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Buyer's Agent Services

Why you should buy with us

To work with a Buyer of real estate is to immerse oneself in the hopes and dreams of another. All buyers have one thing in common: they want to find that next perfect home for themselves and/or their family at the best price and terms possible. At Distinctly New England, our agents have helped fulfill the dreams of scores and scores of individuals and families. Our knowledge of the marketplace, the cities and towns, and the neighborhoods, combined with our thoughtful, experienced approach, makes for the perfect combination in what every buyer wants to have in a "partner" in the home-buying process. Call today to speak to us about Buyer Agency.

What Will it Cost?

In Massachusetts, a buyers agent's service is free for their client! That is right, our commission comes from the sellers agent!

Expert Service

With over 25 years in experience, our team can provide a level of service that is second to none! As a buyers agent, our sole goal is to find your dream home.

Changing Markets

The industry is always changing, let us guide you through these crazy times with expert advice and a level of service that will be sure to satisfy.

The Unknowns

It isn't always clear if you are receiving a good deal, or if your potential home is issue free. Let us do all the hard work while you focus on what is important to you!

Let’s Work Together

Get in touch so we can start working together.

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